Beta testing recap and community feedback

by Stasi Vladimirov Jul 15 2020

Community Feedback

Thanks to all the testers for their time supporting this community project. We confirmed it's working, fixed a few bugs along the way and received valuable feedback. For anyone who did not fill out beta survey, you can still do that here. Please do.

Here is some of the feedback we received (actual feedback):

And few bugs we fixed (actual feedback):

And things we still need to work on (actual feedback):

Thanks to our beta testers:

Special thanks to DJParson for promoting us on his twitch channel


Meanwhile we were able to confirm something else, which I find very important. To make this project work, we will need as much community support as possible. The matchmaker and ranking would work only if as many players as possible use the platform. This is critical. We need to join all of our efforts and time, find matches through the platform, share TTA Pulse, provide feedback and support it with anything else you can help to make it more popular.

We also have some ideas on how to get the community more involved. We will share more tomorrow. Stay tuned. Looking forward to match you Through the Ages.